Diaper Bag Essentials - The Summer Edition


Summer is here and after the last few years of the pandemic, families are ready to hit the road and have some summer fun. With 7 kids between us and a ton of new mama friends, we thought we'd share our list of Diaper Bag essentials, the Summer Edition. Of course, we'd love if you'd pack all these things in one of our versatile Momkindness diaper bags because we've designed them to fit these items and more!
Summer Diaper Bag Essentials:
  • Diaper - 1 for every 2 hours you'll be out of the house, plus 2 extras just in case
  • Wipes - Water Wipes are a great, versatile option here
  • Changing Pad
  • 1 change of clothes + an extra short sleeve onesie 
  • An extra layer (sweater, light jacket) for those chilly summer nights or "AC heavy" destinations
  • Thin swaddle blanket - can be used as a nursing cover, blanket, car seat canopy or quick sun shade in a pinch
  • Pacifier (if using)
  • Hand sanitizer (because it's 2022)
  • Distraction Toy - depending on age, pick one that will entertain at least during the time it takes to complete a diaper change
  • Diaper Cream
  • Bib 
  • Sunblock - our favorite is Sun Bum
  • Sunhat with a chin strap
  • Wet bag - for those unfortunate blowouts or for damp clothes, swimsuits etc (Hint... our Pack it Up Pouch has a wet bag pocket!)
  • Water - preferably in a reusable bottle that keeps water cold
  • Snacks - age appropriate
  • Nursing pads (if you're breastfeeding)
  • Formula Dispenser with formula portions (if not breastfeeding)
  • Battery powered charger for your phone (just in case)
  • Basic First Aid Kit ( we like the American Red Cross Kit at Target)
Now that you know what to pack, rest assured there will be a special place, pocket, organizer, sleeve or bag component inside our Momkindness diaper totes and backpacks to will keep all of these things neatly organized and easy to find. Having the rights items packed is only half the battle - easily getting your hands on them is just as important. What tips do you have for packing your diaper bag? DM us @momkindness with your summer diaper bag hacks.