Self Care with Kayla Mehr

For over 10 years I was a personal trainer to the general population and once I began working in a woman’s only gym I realized that so many women put their health and fitness on the back burner for a number of reasons.
Perhaps they’re not sure about the correct and safest exercises to do, so they do nothing at all; or maybe they are so busy taking care of everybody else in their lives that there’s no time left in the day for themselves, or maybe they just don’t enjoy it and use their free time in other ways. I don’t blame these women. It can be very difficult to put yourself as a high priority on the endless list we all have.
After working with women and so many prenatal and postnatal clients, I saw there was a huge need for specialized training within this population.
In 2018, I decided to work exclusively with new and expecting moms and I have loved every minute of it. I truly believe that in order for us to be better moms, wives, friends and workers/business owners, our health must be a high priority as well. Whether a stay-at-home mom or working full time, we all know that sick days and operating below our highest ability just won’t work for us.
There are so many benefits of working out during pregnancy, not only to the mom but to the baby too! Research shows that mothers who worked out during pregnancy had more comfortable pregnancies, shorter labors by 1/3 and were able to surpass previous fitness levels! In addition, babies born to mothers who remained active during pregnancy scored better on stress tests during labor, had less emergency interventions, higher IQs, and were even able to combat obesity better later in life!
While working with my clients, we first address challenges and set backs they are facing and create a strategic plan to prioritize their goals. Through good nutrition and exercise, we work together to help them heal from injuries, aches, pains, muscle imbalances and complications incurred from pregnancy and birth. I also work very closely with other pre and postnatal specialists ranging from dietitians, physical therapists, doulas, mental health therapists and more. These additional resources are tremendous in supporting these new and expecting moms to reach their overall health and wellness goals.
Working with moms has been so rewarding. I love the look on my clients faces when they finally feel strong and confident. The example they are setting for their family and especially their children (who are always watching) is so impactful.
I have helped moms heal from ab separation (Diastasic Recti) and bladder incontinence; I have helped women add muscles and get below their pre-pregnancy weight after having multiple children; I have seen women finally put themselves and their health at the top of the list.
When moms finally treat themselves with the momkindness they deserve, the possibilities are endless.
Thank you Kayla! Follow @kayla_mehr_ to learn more.